Risk Management


Risk Management

We can assist in supporting churches in producing a tailored Safeguarding Risk Management Plan (SRMP) to manage individuals who have caused or may cause risk of harm engaging statutory agencies as necessary.

As part of safer recruiting practices where a criminal record disclosure reveals convictions or concerning behaviour, or an individual currently in a role displays such behaviour, we will provide an independent risk assessment to aid in determining suitability to remain in position. 

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Risk identification, assessment and planning and management of those who have committed sexual offences

Managing those who pose a risk

Churches are unique in that they open their doors to all, meaning that as well as providing children’s and youth work they also minister to those who have caused harm to children or to vulnerable adults. There is a need to provide clear boundaries and have an accountability system in place to manage anyone who has or may cause harm.

It may be that a church wishes to appoint someone to a post and has had a criminal record disclosure returned which indicates convictions or behaviour which requires a risk assessment, or you may have someone in post, who has displayed concerning behaviour, or had accusations levelled against them and require an independent assessment of risk in order to assist in determining if the individual should continue in post. If you require help with risk identification and management then please do get in contact.

"Abuse involves three components: the deception of self, the deception of others, and the coercion of others."

Diane Langberg, quoted from BECOMING a CHURCH that CARES WELL for THE ABUSED, 2019

As this handbook goes on to state that any beneficial care for abusers begins with their acknowledgement of the nature, extent, and impact of their abusive behaviour.

At Church Safeguarding Consultancy we believe that the risk management of sexual offenders and others who pose a risk of harm within a church requires liaison with the statutory authorities where possible, an assessment of the church environment and an assessment of the individual of concern, resulting in a safeguarding agreement stipulating the level of contact they can have with the church, along with any support the church can offer.

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